Minors on Campus
The Protection of Minors on Campus Policy is intended to facilitate the protection of minors at all times during programs, camps, clinics and other similar events held on College property or in College facilities, whether sponsored or organized by or on behalf of the College or by third parties.
How does this policy apply to me if I am a Third Party organization, outside of the college campus community? Contact Conference Services to certify in writing compliance with the policy.
How does this policy apply to me as a college employee? The policy applies to you if you are hosting a program with minors (not yet 18 yrs of age) as participants, without their parent/legal guardians present for the duration of the program. Please follow the procedures outlined below.
Procedures for College Sponsored Programs:
- Registration (click here to register):: anyone organizing a program that includes minors as participants must register their event with the Risk Manager.
- Training: training must be completed by all staff members working for a program that includes
minors. In the first year of working a program with minors you are required to take
the training, as described below, and thereafter every 4 years (once in every 4 years
the training is to be completed.) If you are a Program Organizer please click on the following link to access your training courses: http://learn.ue.org/608WS590332/WashCollProgramOrganizer; if you are Program Staff, please click on the folloiwng link to access your course: http://learn.ue.org/608WS590332/WashCollProgramStaff; and if you are Student Staff, please click on the following link to access your course: http://learn.ue.org/608WS590332/WashCollProgramStudentStaff. The training courses are via the Learning Portal operated by our insurance carrier
United Educators. If you already have an account with UE, please let the Risk Manager
know so the course can be added to your account. If you are a new user to the UE
Learning Portal, please follow these instructions to register an account:
- Enter your first name, last name, and email address and click Register.
- You will receive a welcome email with your username and a temporary password.
- Follow the link in the email to sign on.
- You will be prompted to:
- Enter your temporary password;
- Create a new password; and
- Create and answer a security question. You will receive a confirmation email upon successful completion of each course.r
- Background Check: anyone organizing or working a program that involves minors must have successfully completed a criminal background check within the last five years. Contact the Office of Human Resources for more information on the background check process and clearance protocols.
- Supervision/Staffing Ratio: any program with minors as participants must follow the following staffing-to-participant
- 1 staff member for every 5 participants ages 4 and 5
- 1 staff member for every 6 participants ages 6 to 8
- 1 staff member for every 8 participants ages 9 to 14
- 1 staff member for every 10 participants ages 15 to 17
- Certification/Approval: all programs with minors as participants must receive, in writing, approval to operate the program from the Risk Manager. The Minors Certification form completed and sent to the Risk Manager for review and approval.
- Conduct: be sure to review the Standards of Conduct in the Minors on Campus policy. It is the expectation of the College that all parties involved in a program with minors as participants conduct themselves appropriately.
It is the expectation of the College that all third parties comply with this policy. Third parties must certify in writing, to Conference Services, their compliance with the following:
i) All program staff working their event have completed a successful criminal background check valid within 5 years from the date of the Program;
ii) All program staff working the event have been trained in protecting minors from abuse and neglect; and
iii) All program staff are expected to observe the standards of conduct described in section V(f)(ii) of the policy.
Reporting Requirements: all program organizers and program staff must report knowledge or suspicion of abuse or neglect of a minor to the appropriate state authorities as described in section IV. of the policy.
Insurance Requirements: All third parties are required to carry the following insurance coverage: Sexual Abuse or Molestation (SAM) coverage with a minimum policy limit of $1,000,000.00. Each group must provide Washington College with a certificate of insurance verifying this required coverage 30 days prior to the start of the Program.Reporting Requirements
How to Make a Report-Immediate Danger
If a child is in immediate danger, contact police immediately at 911 or the College’s Public Safety at (410) 778-7810 to obtain protection for the child.
- Immediately make an oral report to the Maryland Department of Human Resources, Social Services Child Protective Services for the State of Maryland at (410) 767-7112 or in Kent County (410) 810-7600 or after hours, State Police at (410) 758-1101.
How to Make a Report – Not Immediate Danger
If the child is not in immediate danger, contact Washington College Public Safety at (410) 778-7810 or 911, and the Interim Title IX Coordinator, Greg Krikorian, Interim Dean of Students at (410)778-6118.
Within 24 hours, contact the Maryland Department of Human Services (MDHS) for the State of Maryland at (410) 767-7112 or in Kent County (410) 810-7600 or after hours, State Police at (410) 758-1101.
All Greek Life chapters and organizations permitted to be on/in College property are required to comply with the SAM insurance requirements stated in the policy for any programs/events with minors as participants. Contact the Director of Student Engagement for more information.