Course Reserves
The purpose of a reserve collection is to:
- support the needs of a defined group of patrons within the Washington College community (usually a class)
- provide timely, convenient, and efficient access to high-demand materials; and
- protect materials that are at a high risk of theft or vandalism.
Materials placed on reserve in Miller Library (including books, disks, AV materials, journal articles and/or photocopies, electronic resources, and non-book items) must not comprise the core of a course’s instructional material, but rather augment it. Reserve materials are maintained at the Circulation Desk and on Blackboard.
Use of electronic resources placed on reserve through Canvas is restricted to students in the respective class and must be password protected. For further information, go to the Stanford University Libraries Copyright and Coursepack page.
The Library will advise the faculty member to obtain permission for uses that exceed commonly accepted fair use guidelines, and reserves the right to refuse to place on course reserve any material that appears to violate copyright law. For instance, when materials otherwise available for purchase comprise the bulk of a course’s instructional materials, use of course reserve is inappropriate and will not be placed on reserve. Instead, faculty members should find other ways to provide course materials, such as course packs.